Classroom Management

As mentioned before with the learning environment standard, having a positive, stable classroom is a vital component to education. Students learn best when they know they are safe and they know what is expected of them. One key component I have included in my classroom management plan are procedures so students know what to do with regards to pencil sharpening and other common occurrences.

I take care to let students know what they are supposed to do upfront and model the activity. I have also incorporated “wiggle breaks” with and movement within lessons so students are not forced to sit down the entire class period.

Along with procedures, there are also positive and negative reinforcements included in the classroom management plan. I have listed the highlights below:

Positive Consequences:

  • Verbal praise is often given for staying on task and helping others.
  • Students who have done a consistently good job get to choose a song for “wiggle break” (a list is kept to make sure the same students are not being called).
  • Every time the class does something well as a whole or a student shows exceptional citizenship, another “warm fuzzy” is added to the container. Once the items reach the gold line, the class can discuss what kind of prize they would want as a whole class.

  • Every week, students have the opportunity to be the PRIDE student of the week. These students get to spend time with the principal along with other students who have earned a reward and get a positive phone call home.

Negative Consequences:

  • Verbal warnings are given for small infractions.
  • After repeated warnings or more extreme misbehavior, students can earn silent lunch and/or start losing recess time.
  • Stickers in the take home folder will be taken away and notes will be sent home.

An example of my full classroom management plan can be found here: Classroom Management Plan.